Chapter 4 – Enoch

Chapter 4


The New Age of Aquarius

We are right in it. We are as a collision within the profound change of humans to be wittingly going or pro-form themselves into the GOD vision of

free thinkers

caring beings



part of

within their own choice! Their will to pro-form a civilization of loving, caring human beings always willing to go toward a solution in terms of the whole. No righteous being can and will ever establish himself nor herself in it. It is a vibration which reach a LOVING state of MIND in the HEART via the EMOTION. Emotions were not available in the previous Stage of Pisces, thus they had not been allowed. A person was never just a person. Now, an EMOTIONAL awareness will and is bringing those who are willingly choosing – or chose – to be part of it, into the vibration to LOOK, and thus, FIND a positive SOLUTION in any circumstance.

The Era of Enlightenment

Is the stage of enlightened mind to go with and beyond the frontiers of the physical to transmute the mean, the evil into GODS’s love and HUMAN KIND GIVE toward another. Thus, Silke and her yet 7 husbands!


Maitreya the World Teacher (link)

“When men see Me for the first time and know Me for what I am, they will find themselves changing inwardly.

Many will for a time return to the joy of childhood and find the world a better home thereby.

Many will feel strengthened in their desire to serve and to place themselves in the forefront of change.

These are the ones on whom I shall call for the task of replenishment of man’s spirit and joy.

Believe if you can that I am with you, ready to use My strength on your behalf.

Believe if you can, My friends, that I am eagerly awaiting the day of My open return.”

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